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Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
If you're beginning to amass an art collection, you probably want to show off your purchases. Alternatively, you could just display your favorite family photographs. Wall hangings, whether pictures or paintings, have the extraordinary capacity to bring a room together in an instant. But what if you're renting and need to preserve the drywall intact, or if you have delicate millwork that you don't want to ruin with nail holes? You are not confined to a world of dreary white walls. There are several methods for hanging artwork without drilling a single hole on the wall. Command Strips ($12.17 for 14 on Amazon.com) are the most often used method for hanging artwork without nails. Simply decide out how you want your image to be hung, then attach one side of the hook and latch strip to the wall and the other to the frame. Then you adhere them to the wall to secure the image or painting. When you try to remove them, they don't harm the paint or the drywall. We asked the pros—artists, DIY gurus, and interior designers—for alternative inventive ideas to go beyond this typical technique for hanging artwork. Here's what they had to say about it.

Paint with Magnets

According to Audrey Van de Castle, manager of Stanley Black & Decker's Maker Initiatives, to create a gallery wall that can be changed on the go, apply Rust-Oleum Magnetic Paint ($21.58, amazon.com) and adhesive-backed magnets to the back of lightweight prints or picture frames. You might also try painting colorful accent shapes with magnetic paint around the artwork.

Easel for Display

Corey Paige, an artist, suggests displaying bigger works on a display easel. "Regardless of what you're showing, it instantly gives a distinctive touch to your area," she says. "You don't expect to go into someone's house and find paintings exhibited on an easel—usually it's a conversation starter because it emphasizes the work."

Clothespins and String

Another possibility? Van de Castle recommends stringing a length of rope across your wall using tape or mounting putty ($1.89, target.com), then displaying prints along the line with ornamental clips or clothespins.

Suspended from the Roof

Lindsay Pumpa, the proprietor of L Pumpa Designs, recommends driving hooks into the ceiling instead of wainscot or tiled walls. The framed artwork may then be suspended using rope, leather, or chains.

Grid of Wires

A wire grid ($45, crateandbarrel.com) is another option for occupying more vertical space, according to Paige, and is ideal for your work area. Attach your favorite posters or images using clothespins.

Shelves on Ladders

According to Paige, framed prints look wonderful exhibited on a ladder shelf since leaning art is a terrific way to give depth to a space. Simply frame your painting and place it on a shelf. If your ladder shelf is leaning against a wall, you may use the top shelf to showcase a bigger framed artwork.

Room Separator

Another creative approach to creating a gallery wall out of modest pieces of art? Pumpa suggests using a folding screen or room divider. This is a great idea to separate a studio apartment into several "rooms" while also providing a nice focal point.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
Cleaning your bathtub and shower is a difficult chore. After all, there's a lot of ground to cover, and it might take a lot of elbow grease—and muscle—to get the job done. It's no wonder, therefore, that many individuals put off washing until noticeable soap scum has developed on the surface.

How Frequently Should You Clean Your Shower or Bathtub?

Finally, cleaning your bathtub or shower on a weekly basis is the best way to keep these troubles at bay. "Start by eliminating all the goods you have—shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, and so on," Ricky Regalado, proprietor of Rozalado Services and Route, suggests. Then, he recommends spraying the space with a cleaning solution from top to bottom, covering all surfaces.

Cleaning the Bathtub, Shower, and Shower Head

However, soap scum isn't the only thing that accumulates in bathtubs and showers. Water deposits and skin cells blend with soap and, in a humid atmosphere, create mold, mildew, and bacteria—things you don't want in your home, according to Mary Cherry, owner of Evie's Cleaning Company. Furthermore, water deposits may harm your surfaces and hardware, such as your faucet, handle, and showerhead, requiring you to repair them more often. The showerhead is an often-overlooked section of the shower to clean—and it's really simpler to get shining than you may imagine. You can even clean it using ingredients from your pantry. According to Vianney Garcia, quality control manager at Rozalado Cleaning, combine baking soda and vinegar in a bag, gently pouring the vinegar. "When mixing this combination, gently and carefully pour the vinegar into the bag since it may generate a boiling effect and early foaming when it rapidly bonds with the baking soda," Garcia says. Attach the bag to the showerhead with a rubber bend and soak it for at least three hours, preferably overnight. Then, carefully remove the bag and clean the shower head to remove any tartar residue. To finish the cleaning procedure, turn on the shower and let it run for a few minutes.

Selecting the Best Cleaner

Cherry adds that the sort of cleaning you use should be determined by the surface. "Tiles constructed of stone, such as marble or travertine, need specific cleansers," she says. "This implies you should avoid using anything acidic or abrasive, such as vinegar." Cherry also recommends against using melamine sponges while scrubbing since they are harsh and might cause harm. Look for a solution that enables you to spray and move away before utilizing all of your muscle. "Letting the product work its magic on the surface equals less effort for you," she explains.

Remember to Remove Your Shoes

Finally, while cleaning, remove your shoes before entering your bathtub or shower to avoid adding new germs to the surface. However, you should not go barefoot. "You don't want to get all of the scum, germs, and bacteria on your bare feet, particularly if you have a cut," Cherry adds, recommending putting towels beneath your feet to protect them while also preventing slipping and falling.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Asad Photo Maldives from Pexels
Whether you've officially hit dating app fatigue or have lost interest in the online scene, there's always hope. There are several alternatives to downloading and paying for applications to meet a suitable partner (read: someone who is not weird, has red flags, or is your ex). And we know firsthand how tiresome it can be to go out every night of the week in the hopes of meeting that special someone at a bar. Continue reading to discover more about a trustworthy matchmaker, a dating app option that may save you time and sorrow. No, we're not talking about your mother's friend's neighbor's cousin who knows someone "just right for you"... eye roll. We're discussing professional matchmakers. For those who are serious about finding someone to spend their time—and lives—with, these dating gurus look for complementing mates. Before you roll your eyes at the "old school" concept of matching, hear us out. Many individuals have met their significant other using dating apps, so there is no shame in playing the swipe game. But it isn't for everyone, and that's OK. We contacted a professional matchmaker for further information:

A matching service is available to anybody

"Matching is perfect for everyone who is ready to discover love—especially when they are in a position of confidence and comfortability," says Rori Sassoon, CEO of a New York-based matchmaking organization. It makes no difference what your age is, what your work is, or anything else of the kind; what matters is your connection with yourself. "If a person does not love himself, how can they hope to find and accept love?" Rori stressed. We gradually clap in response. The bottom line is that a matching service is appropriate for you if you are secure in who you are, what you want, and what you can provide to a connection. If you aren't, you must first develop your connection with yourself before beginning a relationship with someone else.

Matches are not determined by an algorithm

A matchmaking service, unlike the algorithms we all know and despise in the internet world, takes an intuitive approach to pairing two individuals. They take into account each person's personality features, values, and preferences, and they "concentrate away from the surface level and delve deep into what makes each person uniquely distinct," according to Rori. This enables you to meet individuals you might not have met otherwise. "Matchmakers spend a lot of work harmonizing two people's beliefs and interests," Rori stated.

You are not required to do the screening

Swiping left and right all the time puts a load on your thumb, head, and heart, so why not delegate the vetting to a professional? Rori claims to be able to "quickly distinguish who is searching for a fun time rather than a life-long mate," which is important since we aren't out here wasting time with someone who doesn't have genuine intentions. In all honesty, you can only learn so much about someone from their dating profile or an hour of discussion at the bar. It's not unusual to be deceived and dissatisfied as a result. Alternatively, if you are ready to date but are frustrated because no one "fits your criteria," it may be time to seek advice from a seasoned expert. "Excessive pickiness will actually lead a person to limited pickings," Rori stated. So, rather than always looking for someone who checks all of your boxes, you may be better off allowing someone else to lead you in your love life.

You will be assisted throughout the procedure

You're "matched" with individuals on dating apps, but then you're on your own. It's entirely up to you (and them) to maintain a conversation, schedule a date, and advance your relationship—but it doesn't have to be this way. Matchmakers assist you throughout the process, whether it's overcoming first-date fears or finding the courage to show off your best self. And, given that dating gurus advise us to avoid receiving advice from our friends, having an expert to turn to is critical.

A matching service is risk-free

The most terrifying aspect of dating isn't the possibility of rejection or discovering someone's bad relationship practices. It's the reality that you have no idea who you're going to spend your time with. Stranger peril, anyone? Rori informs us that "matchmakers operate as a reputable third-party option to internet dating," and that their priority is safety. While horror tales are few and far between, they do occur, and that is not to be underestimated. If you want to be extra careful, you may rely on a professional dating service that is concerned with your best interests—your safety and security.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Krivec Ales from Pexels
Disruptive, stressful events are often chances for development. According to research, crises may help lift the "if it ain't broke, don't repair it" mindset that permeates many businesses by providing fresh chances for individuals to express their thoughts on how to do things better. For example, when a pandemic required one of our recommended insurance companies to become completely remote, the issue of remote work spurred numerous teams to investigate new methods of measuring progress. Field staff submitted new metrics for monitoring sales encounters with clients, as well as new methods to combine these measures with the Salesforce platform's current key performance indicators. The new method was so well received by leadership that it is now being implemented on a national basis. Similarly, basketball and hockey teams often improve after losing important players to injury because the surviving players are able to find new methods to collaborate. As teams in the Covid-19 period are pushed to take on new tasks, confront new uncertainties, and recover from errors, they learn to understand that both their own and their peers' talents are not fixed, but rather may be improved. This development mentality will be beneficial to us — and our teams — throughout this crisis. Below are five recommendations for managers who want to use the shift to remote work to foster a development attitude in themselves and their employees.

1. Have patience

While it may seem like a long time, the general move to entirely remote work is still just a few months old, and we are continuously learning. Most people now understand how to share a screen or host a Zoom breakout session, but it may take longer to change deeply established work behaviors for a remote context. Be patient with yourself and others. Remember to acknowledge effort, even if the results do not yet meet your expectations. While discussing the advantages of a growth mindset is good, learning a new discipline is difficult, and the absence of rapid, visible improvement may be depressing. Forgive yourself and be kind to others; instead of focusing on the lack of immediate results, try to concentrate on the work being put in and the vital insights you're getting from that effort.

2. Instill the development mentality in others while also reinforcing it in yourself

Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, spent his first months on the job teaching staff the importance of a "learn it all" mentality rather than a "know it all" one. He set a good example by posting monthly videos in which he discussed his top learnings and encouraged groups around the firm to share theirs. Consider doing something similar with your team, but on a lesser scale. For example, you might devote a portion of a weekly or monthly team meeting to a discussion of what team members have learned so far throughout the crisis.

3. Send the appropriate signals

What you say and how you behave both transmit important signals to others. For example, in recent research, leaders asked recently promoted executives, "What have you done since we last met, and what if anything have you learned from it?" every two weeks. They began to pay more attention to their own progress fairly soon because they knew he would ask, and they were amazed by how much they were learning. You, too, can communicate with your colleagues. You may inquire about learning or, more casually, praise progress, lessons learned, and recovery from errors as much as star performance. You may share not just your ultimate victorious strategy, but also the obstacles and potholes along the route, to demonstrate what a development mindset looks like in action.

4. Revisit existing processes and reset expectations

The transition to remote work is an excellent opportunity to reset your team's expectations for providing and receiving constructive criticism. If you're a team leader, ask your team members, "What three things would you attempt to alter if you were in my position?" Modeling openness to feedback can help your colleagues receive feedback more easily. This crisis is also an excellent opportunity to motivate your team to evaluate and enhance existing processes. Because online work is less tolerant of coordination and leadership mistakes, it's an excellent chance to include others in executing quick course adjustments. Starting meetings by conveying what you know, noting that much is still unknown, and allowing colleagues to contribute not just their expertise, but also their worries and questions, might be part of this. More concerns may be addressed by putting them on the table. For example, a team leader we counseled said that an open disagreement erupted between two of her colleagues after just a few weeks of remote work. As it turned out, the tension had been building for months. As the team leader began to assess the issue, she understood that the source of the conflict was one of the workers' terse and direct communication styles, which the other employee found insulting. When their job became remote, the tonal inconsistencies in their emails, along with the pre-existing strain in their relationship, caused the situation to swiftly grow, ending in a significant confrontation. In order to learn from this episode and improve team practices, the team leader led a brainstorming session with the whole team to discuss how to interact effectively in a virtual setting. The "two email rule" was a new practice adopted by the team: if two emails addressed to a colleague are inadequate to settle a problem or reach an agreement, you are required to phone or video conference with that colleague. Following the implementation of this rule, the team had fewer misconceptions among workers and was able to handle complicated work challenges more rapidly.

5. Spend more time getting to know your colleagues

Working remotely allows us to get to know our coworkers in new ways. We can see their workstations, children, and pets. Before Covid, if a cat hopped into a teammate's laptop during a (rare) virtual conference, the customary reaction was humiliation, apologies, and a swiftly disconnected video stream. People now simply laugh it off, he claims. According to research, being less concerned about social judgment and shame encourages exploration and creativity, all of which are essential for progress. Furthermore, additional studies indicate that personal identity expression at work might improve employee innovation. While the Covid-19 problem brings a number of new obstacles, it also gives new opportunities for leaders to instill a more broad development mentality in their teams and themselves. Though it will not be easy, the correct mentality may help teams better cooperate, innovate, and control their own destinies, allowing them to not just weather the crisis, but emerge stronger.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Sebastian Arie Voortman from Pexels
We are always seeking external sources of happiness, yet we often overlook the amazing resource we have inside ourselves - our attitude! The connection between having a happy attitude and having a favorable result may seem obvious, yet many of us do not take the time or make the effort to properly apply this approach to many parts of life. It seems to be straightforward, doesn't it? "Just stay upbeat!" When presented with a dilemma, we've all heard this before. However, it is not always that straightforward. It takes work to maintain a continuously happy outlook. It is nearly as important to prevent bad energy as it is to create good energy. And, with so many self-improvement approaches and methods available, it's easy to get overwhelmed when deciding where to begin. So, let's take it slow and look at five fast and easy strategies you can put into action right away:

1. Make use of affirmations

Optimistic affirmations are brief, positive sentences that you may repeat to yourself or put notecards around where you will see them on a regular basis. They should be positive, in the current tense, and explain what you want. They are simpler to remember and repeat when they are succinct. Try telling yourself things like, "I'm alive and well" or "today is going to be a terrific day!" It sounds too easy, doesn't it? You'd be shocked at how successful this technique is in generating good energy.

2. Remind yourself to concentrate on the positive aspects of life, no matter how little they may be

Attaching thought triggers to products you use every day might help you remember what makes you happy. For example, you could change your phone wallpaper to evoke a memory of a specific location, place a sticker on your water bottle to remind you of your favorite hobby, wear a bracelet given to you by your best friend, or even change the password you use every day to something that reminds you of something you are grateful for. Small triggers like these might add up over the course of a day and have an impact.

3. Do something kind for someone else

Don't wait for someone else to brighten your day. Instead, take the initiative and create a happy moment for someone else. You'll probably discover that doing pleasant things for others may be just as rewarding as having someone do something kind for you. It also does not have to be magnificent. Simply making a pleasant gesture to someone else as you walk by might boost your mood. Because grins are now obscured by masks, try waving, nodding, or just saying "hello" to a stranger. (This year, we're all going to become better at smiling with our eyes!)

4. Concentrate on the current time

We often let unfavorable recollections from the past influence our present thinking. Or we allow fear about the future to influence how we think about the present. Remove your emphasis from the past and future and concentrate on what you can manage right now. Keep in mind that nothing ever occurs in the past or future. Things occur in the present. If you don't allow stress about other things to get in the way, any moment you're in, no matter how tiny or apparently trivial, may be a wonderful one. If you concentrate on your current circumstances and what is impacting you right now, you may discover how insignificant some of the things you have been worried about are.

5. Surround yourself with individuals who are upbeat

You've probably heard the cliché "we become the average of the five people we surround ourselves with," or something along those lines. While it is risky to draw such firm conclusions about your own character based on who your friends are, we can still utilize this idea as a guide to help us establish better surroundings in which to thrive. Consider this: Does this individual encourage and support you? Or do they make fun of me to make themselves feel better? Sometimes the solution is more difficult to find than you would think. Seek individuals who will encourage and support you, and then reciprocate. The more positive views and outlooks you hear from individuals around you, the more likely your methods of thinking will be influenced. Even if you can't implement all of these suggestions right now, attempt one or two. Positivity tends to build up over time. Consider each little action you take toward transforming your perspective as a drop of gasoline in your tank. Even if it isn't completely filled, it will get you where you need to go.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Francesco Paggiaro from Pexels
Whether you just bought a new pair of jeans, updated your spring wardrobe, or did a load of washing, one issue is certain to arise: Do you fold your clothing and put them in the drawer, or should you hang them in your closet? The answer is that it depends. "What to fold and what to hang depends on various things," explains Darla DeMorrow, professional organizer, owner of HeartWork Organizing, and author of Organizing Your Home with SORT and Succeed. DeMorrow and other experienced organizers explain when to hang and when to fold below.

Always Hang Items

Let's start with your closet. Which garments should always be hung?

Fabrics with a Flow

DeMorrow recommends anything made of flowing textiles. "Anything made of silk, chiffon, or other 'flowy' materials—commonly dresses or blouses—should be hanging," expert organizer Melissa Keyser recommends. "I encourage my customers to consider how the fabric moves in a wind; if it seems to float or dance about, it won't be happily folded and tucked in a drawer."


Linen is infamous for wrinkles, which is why you should hang any linen items in your closet. "Hanging [linen] minimizes unwanted wrinkles," explains Robyn Reynolds, professional organizer and CEO and owner of the household organizing firm Organize2Harmonize. DeMorrow concurs: "To look its best, linen nearly always requires ironing. Anything linen should definitely be hung."


While jeans may not necessarily need a home in your closet, you should prepare to hang all of your other pants (like dressier slacks). "Dresses and casual pants should always be hanging," Reynolds advises. "You can hang them both ways or flip the hanger over."


Keep your lovely blouses on a hanger if you don't want them to be full of creases and irritating wrinkles. "Blouses should always be hanging," Reynolds explains. "This will aid in the removal of big wrinkles."


Jackets are huge items, and putting them in a drawer will not only produce creases (and maybe harm the structure of the piece), but it will also take up much of your space. "Any jacket should be hanging," Reynolds advises. "They are too big to fold, regardless of the type—blazers, denim jackets, outerwear."

(The majority of) Gowns

Most, but not all, of your dresses, deserve to be hung vertically in your closet. "For the most part, dresses should always be hanging," Reynolds advises. "Heavy sweater dresses or heavy dresses of any type would be an exception. When they are hanging, they have a tendency to stretch. Fold these to prevent this from happening."

Always Fold Items

Now that you know which garments to hang, let's talk about which ones to fold, beginning with your heavier winter knits.

Sweaters that are thick

Fold them, according to our experts, to retain structural integrity and save space in your wardrobe. "In general, very bulky sweaters should be folded," explains DeMorrow. "There are folding ways to gently wrap your sweater around a hanger to prevent producing hanger marks, but it's not intuitive for most people, and a bulky sweater may take up a very thick breadth, frequently taking up the area of six or more hanging blouses."


Plan to fold yoga pants, exercise shirts, activewear, and anything else you'd wear to the gym. "If they're on a hanging, they may become crooked and stretched out," explains Keyser. Shorts While you don't have to fold your shorts, there's really no need to hang them—they'd be better off folded and put in your closet. "Shorts should always be folded because hanging them makes no sense," Reynolds argues.

Items That Can be Hung or Folded

However, depending on space and personal inclination, certain clothing items may be folded or hung.


T-shirts are one example. "T-shirts may be hung, folded, or piled," DeMorrow explains. "Without a doubt, hanging them decreases the likelihood of wrinkles. However, most current shirts have some elastic material (Lycra or similar) that enables them to remain wrinkle-free in any situation—[including when folded]. " If you do decide to hang your t-shirts, use the proper hangers—Keyser favors cushioned ones. "A softer (and broader) choice may assist reduce deformation caused by a small hanger," she says.


Jeans are one of the most adaptable things in your wardrobe, and this is especially true when it comes to storage. "[Jeans] is the simplest to fold since they are generally on the thicker side and keep their form," Reynolds explains. "Of course, some people would rather hang them. If that's the case, I'd suggest folding them over the hanger."


Do you have a scarf collection? "Scarves may be folded, rolled, or hung," DeMorrow explains. While scarves may be preserved in a number of ways, the size of the scarf frequently determines whether it is better to fold or hang. "Bigger scarves that double as shawls should be folded since it is simpler for something so large," Reynolds advises. "Small ones worn around the neck may be folded and kept in drawers or containers, or hung on scarf hooks."
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Dmitry Zvolskiy from Pexels
After almost two years of preparing almost every meal at home, you may have stopped seeing your kitchen as a function-first space and begun to recognize its design potential. (To put it simply, a high-traffic area deserves more than drab cabinetry and a drab backsplash.) While it's all too tempting to update your kitchen with the current culinary trends, it's crucial to resist the urge. Why? Design fads come and go as quickly as you can say "kitchen island." In fact, many designers have already begun to turn against some of the room's hottest ideas. While design beauty is subjective, knowing which kitchen design trends are in (and out) can help you to build a room you'll enjoy for years to come. To assist, four prominent designers have shared the kitchen trends that should be retired immediately—along with what to replace them with.

Kitchens in White

White kitchens, according to New Jersey-based designer Swati Goorha, have completely lost their luster. "I find white kitchens lifeless and devoid of charm," she says. "There is so much flexibility to personalize the location where you spend the majority of your time. Kitchens are often considered the heart of the house, and they should elicit feelings of pleasure and love." Aside from the aesthetics, all-white kitchens are notoriously difficult to keep clean since every stain and spec is obvious. Incorporate a splash of color to make your environment more approachable and tolerant of sauce spills and food crumbs. "If you're not ready to commit to all green cabinets, bring color in the backsplash," Goorha suggests. "It's always a yes to add handmade tiles or glass tiles to bring some flair into the heart of the house."

Farmhouse Design

Once upon a time, farmhouse contemporary was the hottest design trend. However, with the growth in popularity of cottagecore and coastal grandma designs, your country chic kitchen is in need of an update. The good news is that updating your farmhouse kitchen doesn't have to be a major undertaking. It's all about establishing a balance between old and contemporary, according to Bobby Berk, Shutterfly's resident design guru. "I would propose combining classic and modern designs without the distressed effect," he says. "To create an upscale version of this design, try balancing your exposed brick with some eye-catching light, selecting for smooth wood finishes, or even changing out black metals for gold and silver." If you want to ditch your farmhouse decor in favor of the current cottagecore craze, it's best to start small. "Adding in modest wood design elements as tabletop décors, such as these Shutterfly wood cutting boards," Berk adds. "Layering cutting boards of various shapes and sizes produces the ideal farmhouse aesthetic without requiring big renovations."

Appliances in Vibrant Colors

A splash of color is an easy way to add flair to your kitchen, but you need be careful where you put it. Colorful appliances, according to Berk, are the main causes. Not only can these eclectic devices impact the entire style of your kitchen, but they may also be difficult (and costly) to repair. Berk suggests keeping with neutral-toned appliances and experimenting with a "two-tone color scheme" for a timeless and cost-effective solution. "If you like having color or patterns in your home, try adding bursts of color with your table linens, tableware, kitchen towels, or even by putting cushions to each of your dining chairs," he advises.


There is no lack of stylish details with a seemingly limitless mix of backsplashes, countertops, and hardware to pick from. However, the improper balance might make your place seem outmoded. Replace the granite countertops if you just want to change one thing. "It's a fast sign of an outdated kitchen," said GordonDunning founders Lathem Gordon and Cate Dunning. Choose soapstone or marble countertops instead. "They will crack and patina with time, which is completely acceptable with us—perhaps even preferable," the design team explains. "We love that the kitchen will tell the tale of making cookies with family or sharing a delicious dinner with guests for many years to come." If you don't want a countertop that will show signs of wear and tear, Gordon and Dunning recommend quartz or a more solid granite like Absolute Black. "We always recommend a sharpened finish," they say.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Ad Thiry from Pexels

Why are breakups so traumatic?

A divorce or breakup may be one of life's most difficult and traumatic situations. Whatever the reason for the breakup—and whether you wanted it or not—the end of a relationship may throw your whole life upside down and cause a slew of unpleasant and disturbing feelings. Even if a relationship is no longer healthy, a divorce or separation may be excruciatingly painful since it marks the loss of not just the partnership, but also the ambitions and commitments you shared. Romantic partnerships start on a high note of anticipation and optimism for the future. When a relationship collapses, we are left with feelings of deep sadness, stress, and loss. A split or divorce takes you into an unknown land. Your routine and obligations, your house, your connections with extended family and friends, and even your identity are all affected. A divorce creates uncertainties about the future. How would your life be without your partner? Will you find another person? Will you be left alone? These unknowns might often seem to be worse than being in an unhappy relationship. Because of the sorrow, interruption, and uncertainty, recuperating after a split or divorce may be tough and time-consuming. However, it is critical to continue telling yourself that you can and will overcome this adversity and even go forward with a newfound feeling of hope and optimism.

Managing a split or divorce

Recognize that it is normal to have varied emotions. It is natural to experience sadness, anger, exhaustion, frustration, and confusion—and these emotions may be powerful. You may also be concerned about the future. Accept that such responses will fade with time. Even if the relationship was toxic, going into the unknown is terrifying. Allow yourself a rest. Allow yourself to feel and perform at a less-than-optimal level for a while. For a while, you may not be able to be as productive at work or care for others in the same manner that you are used to. Take time to mend, refocus, and re-energize; no one is Superman or Supergirl. Don't go through this by yourself. Sharing your emotions with friends and family will help you get through this difficult time. Consider attending a support group where you may chat with others who are going through the same thing. Isolating yourself may increase your stress, impair your focus, and interfere with your career, other relationships, and general health. Don't be scared to seek outside assistance if necessary.

Allow yourself time to mourn the loss of the connection

Grief is a normal emotion to lose, and the end of a love relationship entails many losses: 1. Companionship and shared experiences are lost (which may or may not have been consistently pleasurable). 2. Loss of financial, intellectual, social, or emotional support. 3. Hopes, plans, and aspirations are dashed (which can be even more painful than practical losses). It may be frightening to allow yourself to experience the sadness of these losses. You may be afraid that your feelings will be too powerful to tolerate, or that you will be trapped in a dark place for the rest of your life. Just keep in mind that mourning is a necessary part of the healing process. Grief is exactly what allows you to let go of the former relationship and move on. And, no matter how great your sadness is, it will pass.

Grief support after a split or divorce

Don't resist your emotions. It's natural to experience a wide range of feelings, including anger, resentment, grief, relief, fear, and bewilderment. It is important to recognize and appreciate these sentiments. While these feelings are frequently difficult, suppressing or ignoring them will only delay the mourning process. Discuss how you're feeling. Even though it is tough for you to speak about your emotions with others, you must do so while you are mourning. Knowing that others are aware of your emotions can make you feel less alone in your suffering and will aid in your healing. Writing in a diary may also be a good way to express yourself. Remember that the ultimate aim is to move on. In some ways, expressing your sentiments can free you, but it is critical not to concentrate on the bad feelings or over-analyze the circumstance. Stuck in negative emotions like blame, wrath, and resentment saps your vitality and prevents you from healing and going ahead. Remember that you still have a future. When you commit to someone, you build numerous aspirations and goals for your future together. It's difficult to let go of these dreams after a breakup. As you mourn the loss of the future you previously imagined, remember that new aspirations and ambitions will ultimately replace your old ones. Understand the difference between a natural response to a breakup and depression. After a breakup, grief may be paralyzing, but after a time, the melancholy starts to fade. You begin to progress day by day, little by little. However, if you don't sense any forward motion, you may be depressed. Providing support to your children after a divorce or separation When parents divorce, their children may experience confusion, anger, and uncertainty, as well as tremendous sadness. You may assist your children to deal with the split by giving stability and catering to their needs with a soothing, optimistic attitude as a parent.

Seek assistance from others

Others' support is essential for healing following a split or divorce. You may want to be alone, but doing so will just make this time more difficult. Don't attempt to go through this alone. Make eye contact with trustworthy friends and family members. People who have had difficult breakups or divorces might be very beneficial. They understand how you feel and can convince you that there is a possibility for recovery and new connections. Face-to-face interaction is also an excellent approach to alleviate the tension of a split and reestablishing balance in your life. Spend time with individuals who encourage, support, and energize you. Choose prudently while deciding who to contact. Surround yourself with good individuals who listen to you. It's critical that you feel free to be open about your feelings without fear of being judged, ridiculed, or told what to do. If you need outside assistance, seek it. If reaching out to others is difficult for you, try visiting a therapist or joining a support group (see the Resources section below). The most essential thing is that you have at least one area where you can be yourself. Develop new friendships. Attempt to meet new people if you believe you have lost your social network as a result of the divorce or split. Participate in a networking group or a specific interest club, take a class, participate in community events, or volunteer at a school, place of worship, or other community organization.

After a breakup, take care of yourself

Divorce is a traumatic and life-changing experience. It's more crucial than ever to take care of yourself while you're going through the emotional wringer and coping with huge life changes. The stress and upheaval of a catastrophic breakup may leave you vulnerable both mentally and physically. Treat yourself as though you're recovering from the illness. Get lots of rest, limit other causes of stress in your life, and, if feasible, lessen your workload. One of the most significant skills you can learn after a breakup is how to take care of yourself. As you process your loss's feelings and begin to learn from your experience, you might decide to take better care of yourself and make better decisions in the future.

Self-care Suggestions

Make time for yourself every day. Schedule daily time for things that you find quiet and pleasant to help yourself recover. Spend time with close friends, go for a stroll in the woods, listen to music, soak in a hot bath, get a massage, read a favorite book, attend a yoga session, or drink a nice cup of tea. Pay attention to what you need at any given time and speak out to convey your requirements. Respect what you feel to be right and best for you, even if it differs from what your ex or others want. Say "no" without shame or stress to respect what is best for you. Maintain a routine. A divorce or breakup may cause havoc in practically every aspect of your life, magnifying emotions of stress, anxiety, and instability. Returning to a regular schedule may give a feeling of stability and normality. Take a break. Try not to make any significant choices, like as beginning a new career or relocating to a new place, in the first several months following a separation or divorce. If possible, wait till you're less emotional so you can make more rational judgments. To cope, avoid using drink, drugs, or food. When you're going through a breakup, you may be tempted to do everything to alleviate your agony and loneliness. However, using drink, drugs, or food as an escape is harmful in the long term. It is critical to developing healthy coping mechanisms for uncomfortable emotions. The free Emotional Intelligence Toolkit from HelpGuide might be useful. Investigate new hobbies. Divorce or split is both a beginning and an end. Make use of the chance to discover new hobbies and activities. Pursuing enjoyable, new hobbies allows you to appreciate life in the present moment rather than obsessing about the past. Making healthy choices: eating properly, sleeping well, and exercising regularly When you're going through the hardship of a divorce or breakup, it's easy to let good habits slip. You may find yourself not eating at all or eating excessively of your favorite junk foods. Exercise may be more difficult to fit in due to additional obligations at home, and sleep may be elusive. But all of your efforts to move ahead in a favorable direction will be futile unless you adopt long-term healthy lifestyle choices.

Learning valuable life lessons through a separation or divorce

It might be tough to recognize it while you're going through a terrible breakup, but there are chances to develop and learn throughout times of emotional crisis. You may be experiencing nothing but emptiness and despair in your life right now, but that doesn't imply that things will remain the same. Consider this moment in your life to be a break, a time to plant the seeds of fresh development. You may come out of this experience understanding yourself better, feeling stronger and wiser. To truly accept and move on after a breakup, you must first comprehend what occurred and accept your role in it. The more you understand how your decisions influenced the relationship, the more you'll be able to learn from them—and prevent doing them again in the future.

Questions to Consider

1. Take a step back and consider the larger picture. How did you contribute to the relationship's problems? 2. Do you have a habit of making the same errors or selecting the wrong person in relationship after relationship? 3. Consider how you cope with stress, conflict, and insecurity. Could you take a more positive approach? 4. Consider if you accept other people as they are, rather than how they might or "should" be. 5. Use your negative sentiments as a springboard for transformation. Are you in command of your emotions, or are they in command of you? During this stage of the healing process, you must be honest with yourself. Try not to linger on who is to blame or to punish yourself for your errors. Looking back on the relationship allows you to understand more about yourself, how you react to others, and the issues you need to work on. You'll be able to identify where you went wrong and make better choices next time if you can objectively assess your own decisions and conduct, including the reasons why you picked your previous spouse.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Jure Širić from Pexels
There's something about the holidays that brings everyone out of hiding. It's as if you run into someone you know wherever you go. You'll run into your childhood best friend's mother in the baking department if you go to the grocery store. When you go Christmas shopping, you'll see your old dog walker in the Lululemon checkout line. Grab a drink with your sister at the corner pub, only to discover that your ex is playing darts with their pals. We anticipate all of these interactions around the holidays, but for some reason, we are virtually never prepared for the final one. To help you prepare for what may be the most unpleasant and awkward meeting of the holiday season (unless your family debates about politics over the dinner table), we've compiled a list of six things to remember when you run into an ex.

1. Remember the cause for your breakup

Seeing your ex may elicit a wide range of feelings (both positive and negative), so it's easy to get sidetracked by how you're feeling when you see them. But keep one thing in mind: the reason you're no longer together. Whether you broke it up, they did, or it was a joint choice, remembering the reason for your breakup—even if it was unpleasant given the circumstances—will save you from getting caught up in previous grievances or situations that no longer carry any weight.

2. Be kind with yourself if you haven't gotten over it yet

It's OK if you still love them, are still upset at them, or are somewhere in the middle and aren't quite over the split. Moving on from someone you've invested your heart in is difficult and time-consuming, and seeing them doesn't make it any easier. If seeing them causes your heart to sink into your stomach and you panic, take a deep breath and offer yourself some grace. It's normal to feel anxious and emotional after seeing them for the first time in a long time.

3. Remind yourself of the positive things that have occurred after your breakup

Breakups are awful. Trust us, we understand. However, there is usually some good that comes from it. Instead of focusing on the memories you had with them, consider all that has transpired since you split up. Maybe when you had stopped sobbing on your sofa with your bestie, you discovered a new pastime you like, or you committed more attention to your profession and won a fantastic promotion. Here's how we view it: you can either wallow in your past or appreciate your life as it is today.

4. You are not required to impress them

OK, I know we have a whole piece with clothing suggestions for when you could run into your ex, but the purpose isn't to wear something that will give them googley eyes—the point is to feel comfortable and confident if you do run into them. Of course, this extends beyond what you're wearing. Although it's natural to want people to believe you're doing well and looking well, the truth is that what they think of you no longer matters. So don't go out of your way to seem to be the coolest, baddest chick in town—the people who matter in your life already know you are. What about your ex's point of view? What does it matter?

5. Keep interactions brief and to the point (or not at all)

Spoiler alert: If you don't want to speak to them when you see them, you don't have to. We don't advocate, however, pretending you didn't see them when everyone (including them) knows you did. A grin and a wave is an acceptable and courteous method of greeting them without making things awkward. Keep it brief and quick if you do wish to speak to them or if they begin a discussion. Anything beyond that might rekindle old sentiments, disappointments, or arguments, putting a damper on your vacation.

6. It is none of your business what is going on in their lives

I realize it's harsh. But it works both ways. You owe each other no information since you are no longer engaged in each other's daily lives. This includes: whether or not they are dating, how their family is, what they are doing while in town, whether or not they still work at the same job, how their dog is—you get the idea. These information about their (or your) lives that you would have known about each other while you were dating are no longer your concern. That doesn't mean you can't speak about personal matters if you want to, but it also means you don't have to.
Zeev Kwan
Zeev Kwan
Photo by Moose Photos from Pexels
Today's world is filled with angry individuals. Worse, the common undercurrent of fury looks to be developing and becoming stronger in society. Anger is an emotion, and there's nothing wrong with expressing it when the occasion calls for it. If you find yourself stuck, a little wrath may provide you with the motivation to go ahead. People are often paralyzed by fear, while rage ignites them. Unfortunately, many people don't know what to deal with these overwhelming feelings, which might ruin you if you let them. It's natural to hide such emotions rather than express them. You're not aware that those tremendous feelings are constantly cycling through your system. Psychologists witness this all the time with persons who had traumatic childhoods or were abused. They do not cope with or process the abuse. Unfortunately, such emotions will only worsen with time. Have you ever heard someone described as a ticking time bomb poised to detonate? Unresolved wrath within might make you feel like an exploding bomb. You may, however, unleash your wrath by learning a lesson from some wise people.

Anger's Dangerous Potential

Have you ever been the victim of road rage? Assume you're trapped on the highway and rushing late for work. A woman cut you off out of nowhere. Your face flushes with wrath, and you spit furiously. You nearly got into an accident because someone failed to respect your limits. Despite the fact that a genuine catastrophe was averted, it has placed you in a terrible attitude. Because you can't let go, you carry those deep feelings with you throughout the day. You're still in a bad attitude at 5 p.m. because you never learned to let go of the tension from the morning event. To make things worst, you've gotten even more defensive the next day. You go back on the highway, a chip on your shoulder, daring someone to cut you off again. Months and years might pass, and you will relive these emotions again and again. You add to it on a regular basis to make the wrath burn hotter as you anticipate an event long before it occurs. You might acquire driving anxiety over time if you compare your commute to driving in a demolition derby. If you don't let go and release your deepest self, rage may swiftly take over your existence. A wise person understands that they must act to quell the rage. What if, instead of waiting in traffic and letting your blood to boil, you practiced deep breathing and let it go? It wouldn't have destroyed your day, and you wouldn't have acquired a severe case of road rage every time you drove. You might channel your emotions into action. You may learn a less stressful route to work. What if you could listen to music or read books instead of sitting in traffic and becoming frustrated?

Why Wise People Don't Waste Time on Anger

Intelligent people recognize that they have a choice and may channel their energy into something greater. Here are some of the reasons why wise individuals don't let their anger grow within.

1. Dissatisfaction Nothing ever works out well (Except Make You Angry and Tired)

Anger is a negative emotion. While it is OK to be unhappy, you must not allow it to consume you. Assume an employee stole your marketing campaign concept. She received all of the attention and offered you no credit for your efforts. It's all too easy to let these things fester and infiltrate your heart. Unfortunately, carrying grudges will only bring negativity into your life. The employee is most likely underperforming and needs to improve her performance. The issue was not personal, but she was attempting to preserve herself. Instead of releasing and keeping animosity, recognize that karma and the Universe have a way of taking care of things. When you spread negativity, you will get the same in return. As a result, clever individuals understand that they desire to be surrounded by optimism.

2. Unforgiveness Causes More Pain

It's simple to be angry and refuse to forgive someone who has wronged you. Unforgiveness, on the other hand, always damages you more than the person who harmed you. If you want to have healthy and successful relationships, you will discover that forgiving is essential. When you forgive someone, you relieve yourself of a weight. If your spouse cheated on you, it's natural to feel upset and retain a grudge. However, if you forgive them and let go of your fury, you are not allowing it to control your life. According to a John Hopkins Medicine study, forgiveness isn't simply something you do because it's the proper thing to do; it may also improve your health. Their research has shown that persons who carry unforgiveness have weaker immunity and often suffer from PTSD. Learning to let go is liberating your mind and emotions from sorrow.

3. Resentment and rage Maintain You in the Past

Life is a tough road. Always keep your eyes focused and never glance behind you. In Genesis 19, there is a remarkable narrative that helps put things into perspective. God was enraged and on the verge of destroying the city of Sodom because they would not repent of their sinful ways. Lot, his wife, and their two daughters were spared by God. As they fled the city to safety, the Lord gave them one commandment: they could not look back. Jesus encouraged them to concentrate on what was ahead of them rather than what was behind them. This narrative teaches everyone that the things behind you will ruin you, just as they destroyed Lot's wife. As they were departing, she looked back to see what she was giving up, and she was transformed into a salt pillar. According to Reuters, a big cave was uncovered in the precise location where this narrative is claimed to take occurred. Everybody has committed errors in the past. The trick is to keep your sights forward and your objectives in mind. Smart individuals understand that looking back and focusing on the past will only impede their development in life.

4. Anger Can Teach Us a Thing or Two

Assume a buddy approaches you for a $500 loan. You kindly handed it to them until their tax return arrived. However, when the return arrived, they did not reimburse you in full. They had one excuse after another for not being able to settle their loan. It's easy to grow irritated when someone refuses to return the money you generously lent them. A wise person, on the other hand, will concentrate on the lesson at hand rather than being overwhelmed with bitterness. Every scenario that life throws at you has a lesson. It is up to you to pay attention and let go of your rage at the situation. In this case, the lesson is to be careful when lending money. You know that in the future, this person's words will be meaningless since they will not keep their promises. Intelligent individuals understand that if you burn them once, they will make sure you don't do it again. Even if you release and let go of the hatred in your heart, the lessons may still help you make better decisions in the future.

5. Angry emotions use a lot of valuable energy

Some individuals wander in circles and never achieve anything, much like a dog chasing its tail. This is exactly how wrath and anger impact you. When you allow your emotions to take control of your life, you squander a lot of energy. Consider how much you could achieve if you learned to channel your wrath into something positive. When you concentrate on useless things, you prevent yourself from concentrating on the things that will help you achieve your objectives.

Finally, consider why it is important to let go and release anger

According to William Arthur Ward, you should never vent your rage towards others, but rather focus on the issue and discover answers. As in the last example of road rage, you were enraged with the person who cut you off rather than the true issue, which was the chaotic traffic. You didn't know whether that individual was ill, had an emergency as a medical professional, or had other circumstances beyond their control. However, by accepting something at face value, you spent valuable time and energy getting upset about it. By allowing your rage to fester, you created a secondary circumstance in which you were afraid to drive on the motorway. The ability to let go is the source of power. When you release and let go of these overwhelming sensations, you liberate yourself from their control on you.
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